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How does Roofbuddy work?

With Art Green


Compare prices and find the best roofer near you.

Get multiple roofing quotes with Roofbuddy, compare based on price, location and other customer reviews. You're in control.
Our Trusted Industry Partners

How it


We know what to ask.

We help organise a custom built scope of works with you using our proprietary roof report generator.
That report is then sent to eligible roofing companies in your area and we collect competitive, comparable quotes for you.

Compare Roofing Quotes.

Choose the best roofing company that suits your needs and the job requirements.
Compare pricing, lead times, product options and roofer reviews with confidence. We are impartial, experienced and will talk you through the options.

We check the job.

Know the job was done right with sign off from our in house roofers LBP's (Licensed Building Practitioners).
As part of our service we provide third party quality assurance check to ensure that your roof is installed to the current building code & manufacturers installation specification.

How do I

Get started?

We know what to ask.

Effortlessly initiate your roofing project by getting in touch and we will generate a scope of works with our proprietary roof report generator. Sit back as we invite eligible roofing companies to quote on the scope and we collect competitive, comparable quotes from qualified roofing professionals who have a proven track record.

Contact us

Let us know where.

Let us know the details of your roofing project by submitting your job now. Our team is ready to kickstart the process and bring your roofing vision to life. Don't wait any longer—take the first step towards a successful roofing project by getting started with us today.

Speak with an expert.

Get in touch with our roofing experts to discuss your house's roofing needs. We understand the importance of your home and will ensure a prompt response within 24 hours, Monday to Friday. Contact us now to receive personalised guidance and expert advice for your roofing requirements.

Tell us what you want.

Tell us exactly what you need for your roofing project. Walk us through the job, and we will curate a comprehensive report with all the necessary information that roofers require to provide you with an accurate quote. Your input is valuable, and by sharing your requirements, we can ensure a tailored and precise quotation for your roofing needs.

Last time we had roofing work done it ended up taking 6 months and costing more than expected. This time Roofbuddy made the process very easy, we got quotes back quickly, they were well organised and competitive. The roofers arrived on time and finished on schedule and on budget, a great experience all round.

Tony Sangster
Tony Sangster
New roof

James from Roofbuddy was extremely helpful. We had been trying to get people out to quote for weeks and nobody seemed interested but James was over the next day and we had quotes back by the end of the week. Booking in was easy and the lads did a great job on site. Have recommended to everyone looking at roofing work.

Alex Meanhorst
Alex Meanhorst
New roof

Roofbuddy was exceptionally easy to use and we were booked in within 3 days of submitting a contact request. We just wanted to get it done and this seemed like the fastest way. Felt great to have them come and check the job over afterwards too as it was complicated and we just wanted to make sure it was all done correctly.

Kylie Willet
Kylie Willet
New roof

Got questions?

Let us help.

Ask us anything at all.

We help organise a custom scope of works with you, using our proprietary roof report generator. Then send the report to eligible roofing companies in your are and collect your quotes.

Contact us
There are many types of new roofing suitable for different environments, aesthetics and applications. Speak to one of our Roofbuddy consultants today and they will talk you through all the options, brands, prices, products and connect you with roofing companies to collect quotes on the right roof for your needs.
Roofbuddy offers a full range of services including re-roofing, new build roofing, commercial roofing, all roofing profiles & types, membrane roofing, service, repairs, maintenance, carpentry, scaffolding, spouting, solar and much more. Get in touch today and we can discuss your requirements and see how we can help.
Roofing has 3 important warranties to consider for your new roof. Perforation (the structure of the roofing) - usually 30 years. Paint (the aesthetics of the roofing) - usually 18 years. Workmanship (the quality assurance on the installation) - usually 5 years. These warranties vary between products, brands, companies and environmental category classification. Our consultants will talk you through all of this and make sure you understand what's available, what to expect and what to look out for.

Roofer default is an alarmingly common occurrence and stakes are high for homeowners. If roofers are unable or unwilling to complete quoted works there is little homeowners can do about lost deposits or incomplete work. The Roofbuddy customer warranty is that, in the event of a roofer not having commenced any works or leaving quoted works unfinished, which works were agreed to by a customer and roofer through our platform, that customer will receive either:

Option 1

  • Roofbuddy’s assistance to enter into a new agreement with another roofer to complete the quoted works, which option is more likely to occur when the quoted works are already underway; and
  • the amount required to pay for completed works under the new agreement that exceeds the quoted price (ie if it costs more to complete the quoted works, Roofbuddy will make up the shortfall so that the customer doesn’t pay more than originally quoted); OR

Option 2

  • their money back, up to the value of $50,000 (including GST) per accepted quote, in respect of each Option above. We put our money where our mouth is on all Roofbuddy quotes. We encourage you to review all terms and conditions that apply to Roofbuddy’s customer warranty, which are found by Terms and conditions
Roofing jobs come in all shapes and sizes. Small garages and granny flats can be done in a day and bigger more complicated jobs can take a month or more. Our Roofbuddy consultant will be able to give you a good indication of what to expect in terms of job timeframe, disruption at the property and expected lead times.
Getting quotes for can be time consuming, confusing, inconvenient and disappointing. Have a 10/10 experience instead with Roofbuddy. We answer the phone, visit in person, take the time to talk through all the options and present you with multiple competitive quotes from the top roofing installation companies in New Zealand. When the job is finished, our qualified roofer (LBP) will check over the entire job and present you with a report; giving you confidence that everything is up to the manufacturers standards and the building code prior to final payment. Get practical assistance, quality assurance, impartial advice and support throughout the entire process with Roofbuddy.
Payment can be made with all roofing partners via online bank transfer. Credit card payment may also be possible and Roofbuddy also has finance facilities available for you to look at; if you want to pay the investment off over time.
The team at Roofbuddy specialise in real people. We answer the phone, visit your property and take the time to talk you through the entire process. Proceed with confidence knowing that you have the best information and an accurate quote at your fingertips. Receive professional advice from a knowledgeable roofing consultant to assist you through the process.
Roofbuddy makes roofing easy. First we speak with you in detail about the work you want done and establish the scope of work, what products you are interested in and when you would like the work done. Then we prepare a customised report and extensive description of the works (including photographs and measurements) for our roofing partners and obtain multiple competitive quotes for you on the job. We help you get booked in with your chosen roofing company and once they are finished the work our qualified roofer (LBP) will check over the entire job and present you with a report; giving you confidence that everything is up to the manufacturers standards and the building code prior to final payment.
Suppliers for these supplementary services differ depending on what roofing partner quotes on the job for your enquiry. Some roofing companies provide an all inclusive service and others have companies they use routinely for things like scaffolding and supplementary building works; so will quote them inclusive of their scope of works and organise it for you behind the scenes. We will talk you through the entire process and help you understand what you are getting for your money, how much you are paying exactly, any exclusions and inclusions on the job and who is responsible for each aspect of the job depending on your preferences.
Roofing is a high demand industry and roofing companies and roofers are extremely busy. Attracting customers, answering the phone, doing site visits and preparing quotes are very time consuming workloads for roofers. Many partner with Roofbuddy to streamline the quoting process and fill up their diaries with work. Along with our excellent customer service skills we have proprietary report generating software that helps for quoting accuracy. Roofing companies pay a fee to Roofbuddy to partner with us and receive the opportunity to quote on jobs listed with us.