Privacy Policy - RoofBuddy

Last updated 13 Aug 2024


RoofBuddy Limited (company number 8257894) (the Company) is committed to protecting the personal information of all its website and platform users (Users) in accordance with the Privacy Act 2020 (Privacy Act) and the Information Privacy Principles as set out in the Privacy Act.

This privacy policy will help Users understand how and why the Company collects information, how that information is stored, how they can access and correct that information and when we might disclose information to third parties.

This privacy policy does not limit or exclude any rights that a User has or may have under the Privacy Act and (where applicable) the General Data Protection Regulation 2016/679 (GDPR).

For further information, please see

About the Company and the Services

The Company operates the website and mobile applications (together the Site) and provides an online platform (Platform) to enable Users to search for and obtain quotes for roofing products and other products and services from roofing companies (Roofers).

The Company operates and maintains the Platform on the Site and provides various services to Users to enable Users to request and obtain quotes from roofing companies in relation to roofing services, so Users can accept quotes to bind Users to a roofing contract between a User and a roofer (Services).

Application of this Privacy Policy

By using the Platform, participating in the Company's database and accessing the Site, each User consents to the collection, use, disclosure, storage and processing of personal information in accordance with this privacy policy.

This privacy policy applies to all instances in which personal information (as the term personal information is defined in the Privacy Act) is collected from a User by the Company.

Changes to this Policy

The Company may change this policy at any time by uploading a revised privacy policy to the Site.

All Users agree to be bound by the privacy policy that is in effect at the time they use the Platform or access the Site or Services. If any User does not agree to or wish to provide consent under this privacy policy, they must stop using the Platform, the Site and the Services immediately.

Collection of Personal Information

In the course of providing Services, the Company may collect, store and use a User's personal information as defined in the Act as any information about an identifiable individual and may include a User's:

  • name;
  • contact details (including but not limited to phone number, residential address, email address)
  • gender;
  • date of birth;
  • copy of identification documentation, including but not limited to a driver's licence or passport;
  • information about the User that is publicly available; and
  • financial information, together, (Personal Information)

Purpose and Use of Personal Information

The Company only collects Personal Information as necessary for its business and activities, which may include (but is not limited to) the following:

  • to generate quotes for Services to Users based on the Personal Information and other information they have entered into the Platform;
  • to engage roofing companies to provide a quote for the User;
  • to promote and market the Services to Users, including contacting Users electronically (for example, via the Company's text or email newsletters);
  • to personalise, customise and improve the Services provided to the User;
  • to conduct research for the purposes of improving existing Services or creating new Services;
  • to verify the identity of the User, including for the purposes of AML identity checks;
  • to communicate with Users in relation to the Services;
  • to respond to communications from a User, including any complaints;
  • to co-operate with any government, industry or regulatory authorities;
  • by another entity or affiliate in the Company's group to enable the function and provision of the Services;
  • to protect and/or enforce our legal rights and interests, including defending any claim; or
  • for any other purpose authorised by a User, the Privacy Act and/or GDPR.

The Company may publish to the Platform a User's feedback / review which a User has provided to the Company. Publishing of feedback / review will include the User's first name, photo (if provided) and general location (i.e. suburb).

Disclosure of personal information

The Company may disclose User's Personal Information to:

  • Roofing companies and other Roofing contractors that use the Platform;
  • any business that supports the Services for the Company, including any person that hosts or maintains any underlying IT system or data centre that we use to provide the website or other services and products;
  • the Company's related companies and subsidiaries (as those terms are defined in the Companies Act 1993);
  • a credit reference agency for the purpose of credit checking a User;
  • other third parties (for anonymised statistical information);
  • a person who can require the Company to supply your personal information (e.g. a regulatory authority);
  • any other person authorised by the Act or another law (e.g. a law enforcement agency); and
  • any other person authorised by the User.

The Company may transfer Users information in the case of a sale, merger, consolidation, liquidation, reorganisation or acquisition.

The Company will take reasonable steps to ensure third parties receiving User personal information are under obligations the same as or similar to this privacy policy. The Company accepts no responsibility or liability for how third parties use personal information disclosed through the User's use of the Platform, Site and Services.

Users may request the Company to stop sending marketing messages at any time, by contacting the Company at


The Company uses cookies (being an alphanumeric identifier that the platform transfers to the User's computer's hard drive so that the Company can recognise a User's browser) in order to monitor Users' use of the Site. Users may disable cookies by changing the settings on their browser, although this may mean that Users cannot use all of the features of the Platform and the Site.

Disclosure overseas

Users authorise the Company to transfer, store and process personal information in New Zealand and in other countries where the Company has reasonable grounds to believe that the recipient has in place safeguards comparable to New Zealand's privacy laws.

Anonymised Data

The Company reserves the right to use data (on a strictly anonymous basis) for industry and market analysis, demographic profiling, marketing, accounting and advertising and other business purposes.

Protection and Retention of Personal Information

The Company will take all reasonable steps to ensure the personal information collected, used or disclosed in accordance with this privacy policy is stored in a secure environment protected from unauthorised access, use, modification or disclosure.

The Company will hold personal information collected in accordance with this privacy policy both before and after the provision of its Services in order to fulfil the purposes for which it was collected, but only for so long as the Company is legally entitled to do so.

Third Party Links

The Site, Platform and Services may contain or provide links that direct the User to third party websites (Third Party Sites). The User acknowledges and agrees that they are wholly responsible for their use of any Third Party Sites and any personal information disclosed directly to third parties.

The User should review the terms of use and privacy policy of any Third Party Sites. The Company will not be liable for the User's use of, or the content, availability or accuracy of any Third Party Site.

Legal Rights and Access to Personal Information

Users have the following rights in relation to their personal information:

  • To request access to their personal information.
  • To request a correction to their personal information.
  • To request the deletion or removal of their personal information.
  • To object to the processing of their personal information.
  • To request a restriction on the processing of their personal information.
  • To request a transfer or their personal information to the User or a third party.
  • To withdraw consent to the use of their personal information.

If at any time a User wishes to exercise any of the rights above, please contact the Company at The Company may charge Users reasonable costs associated with responding to a User's request.

Data Processing Agreement

This privacy policy may be supplemented or superseded between a User and the Company pursuant to the terms of any data processing agreement (or document having similar effect) entered into in writing between the User and the Company.


If any part of this privacy policy is found by a court to be invalid, void or unenforceable, whether under the Privacy Act, GDPR or any other applicable law, such provision will be deemed to be deleted from this privacy policy and the remaining provisions of will continue in full force and effect.